e-NABLE Newsletter
Summer 2020
e-NABLE is a global network of volunteers
exploring assistive technology, open source collaboration, and adaptability.
Every quarter, we share the news from our expanding community across the world.
Featured community members, beneficiaries, partners, and chapters |
When the pandemic began, Brazil e-NABLE leader Everton Lins reached out to Mažvydas to create an interactive map for Brazil allowing public health medical personnel to request face shields. After creating a similar map for Lithuania, Mažvydas soon found himself responsible for managing the distribution of face shields for his country's entire public healthcare system. More than three hundred volunteers responded and together they delivered 14,474 face shields to almost every public hospital in the country. Every request was fulfilled!
Lithuania's COVID crisis is now abating, but Brazil's has continued building. Brazil is 130 times larger than Lithuania and has 100 times as many people. Amazingly, Everton’s team has delivered almost 100,000 devices, free of charge, all with help from Mažvydas’s map. With 10,000km between them, the e-NABLE network has opened a collaboration that continues to save lives across continents.
To learn more about their efforts, please check out the full story here. |
A collection of recent stories covering new growth and progress around the world |
Pandemic Contributions
with e-NABLE Chapters
By April, much of our online community began adapting to the pandemic by exploring a new frontier of 3D printing; providing PPE to local medics and essential service workers as protection against the COVID-19 virus. We have covered these efforts in several articles on the ETF website, and have decided to create a Space in the Hub to pull together stories and experiences from our chapters. Each chapter can edit their page and keep us updated on the latest information:
We know there are many more! If your chapter has been involved in contributing PPE to your local community, please particpate in our short interview and share your efforts with the world!
The Rogue Experimenters
With Margaret Talbot
In May, the New Yorker Magazine published an article exploring the contributions of community labs making everything from insulin to prostheses. The middle insert covers the e-NABLE community with quotes from many of our heroes! Jen Owen, Peregrine Hawthorn, Jon Schull, Nate Monroe, and Eric Bubar all describe their community experiences. Peregrine's wonderful publication on self-design is linked, as well as our last newsletter (we're famous!).
In the context of DIY medicine, the article explores the world of e-NABLE by introducing our community history, describing the benefits and challenges of open-source science, exploring the “psychosocial” superpower of prosthetics, providing stories of international empowerment, and covering recent efforts made within e-NABLE to produce PPE to prepare for the pandemic.
with Lyndsey Wells
e-NABLE is a rich ecology; here are some guide posts. Happy exploring! |
The e-NABLE movement currently consists of over 167 active chapters across 47 countries. These numbers are changing all the time, and monitored by our volunteer Bob Rieger with e-NABLE Web Central. Thanks Bob!
The Community Hub
Participation continues to grow in the Hub this year with hundreds of new members from all over the world. We have now migrated all of our posts from Google+ & Wikifactory into the Hub and host over 14,000 posts!
Please join and be involved with the latest community developments!
Newcomers & Learners:
Visit EnablingTheFuture and acquire skills and badges
For chapters and volunteers who have been involved with making PPE, we have several new badges to celebrate your efforts!
Volunteers & Recipients:
Sign up with e-NABLE Web Central to find each other.
Social Media Wanderers:
Check out our social media map and Facebook groups
Community Leaders & Organizers:
View or attend weekly Strategic Planning Committee and use Enablio to help allocate funds.
Find or create a local chapter. |
Volunteer quarterly call to action for community campaigns |
Contribute and make a difference! |
As a volunteer organization, our community projects are funded through contributions.
We would like to awknowlege our 2020 contributors:
Individual Contributors
- Bruce Adams
- Will Mcaffrey
- Scott Ryan
- Eric Montalvo
- Jefferey Hackenberg
- Pelin Elke
- Anonymous
Corporate Contributions
- Network for Good
- Fidelity Charitable
Join in!
Meet the Newsletter and Editor |
Greetings humans of the e-NABLE universe!
I'm Ben Rubin, your new newsletter editor. Aside from curating online content every quarter, I report from the frontlines of e-NABLE’s international chapters and work behind the scenes on the Media Coordination Project. My goal is to help share some of the incredible work from our volunteers and organize our expanding constellation of digital media.
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